







Personal training, health and nutrition coach in the heart of Amsterdam, online and on every location

Why YOU will succeed this time!

Imagine: you carry on as you always did. Then you get what you always got. Whereas you actually want to change.
To achieve your goals. Have more energy and feel better about yourself. A positive and powerful mindset. Getting tighter, growing muscles, improving performance, being more vital, and experiencing less stress. Healthy living.
Creating and maintaining results is not difficult if you know what to do and are able to make lasting changes; Starting from within, starting from your mindset.
Motivated Coaching stands for sustainable change. And this process requires a different approach.
I offer you a different and unique approach.

Step by step, together we will change your way of thinking, develop a particularly powerful mindset and in the meantime rapidly increase your knowledge of nutrition, sport and your own body, the combination needed to create the results you want.
Gaining knowledge and learning to turn it into action, stopping quitting, living what you know and living up to your goals with 100% commitment is what we will work on together. You and me.
If you are ready for particularly powerful results, I would love to hear from you.
So book a free strategy call today (45 minutes) and I will be happy to explain to you what my method and approach are. And how I can help you. Then together we will start working on your goals, in the private gym in Amsterdam city centre, online, or at any other location.

The MP lifestyle and
vitality programme in 1


Monique Pols

I am Monique Pols. Owner, (personal) trainer and nutrition and lifestyle coach at Motivated Coaching.

For years, I have guided, motivated and inspired clients in achieving their goals. Thanks to extensive experience in HR and as a certified personal trainer & coach, at Motivated Coaching you will find a unique combination of functional training, lifestyle, nutritional, physical and behavioural coaching.

The power to go for it! Everyone has it in them. So do you! But finding, developing and using it is not always easy. I like to help you see your potential, what you can do with it and achieve it. Together, we go like lightning. Will I see you soon?

Monique Pols

They achieved their goals, are you the next one!?

Let's get Mo-tivated!

"Na lang gepiekerd te hebben over mijn gewicht ben ik uiteindelijk samen met Monique ‘the challenge’ aangegaan. Inmiddels ben ik al ruim 30 kilo kwijt en leer ik elke keer weer iets nieuws!Monique is zeer professioneel, enthousiast en motiverend."
Karim Dahman

"Working with Mo, I've achieved challenging objectives, found greater balance with my body. You will never get bored to work with her because she takes great care of arranging the training with different techniques every times . She makes sure that you fully own the technique before you start any move."
Manuel Schudt

"Ik ben bij Monique gekomen net na dat ik 8 maanden thuis had gezeten in de corona periode, was mezelf helemaal kwijt, niet fit en metaal niet mezelf.Monique heeft me weer de tools gegeven om mezelf goed te voelen weer inzicht te krijgen in mijn gevoel wat en wie ik nou eingelijk ben en wil zijn.Mo haalt het onderste uit de kan.De trainingen zijn professioneel en ze weet echt waar ze het over heeft. Bedankt"
Priscilla Van Zalinge

"Corona hits to a lot of beautiful people this year. Work from home, eat, sleep n repeat distorted our body and soul. Thank God I found Monique (the motivated coach). She trains my body and soul together. She will not ask you to do something you can't do. But she will make you that you want to try something you think you can't do. I train with Mo only 2 hr a week and yes I have some results in my 3rd month 💕"
Pann Ei Schudt

Take your first step towards success today

To succeed, you need to find

something to motivated you
something to inspire you
something to hold on to